Japan TELEC certification

Many manufacturers now export their products to India, and products in India need to apply for BIS certification. For applicants, the compulsory registration decree mainly emphasizes the following contents, and registration applicants should pay attention to:
1. Implementation date.
The calculation starts from the date of production for locally manufactured products and the date of import for imported products.
For products arriving in India after the effective date, mandatory registration requirements and self-declaration must be affixed.
If entering India after this date, customs clearance will not be possible without a self-declaration label.
2. Registration applicant.
The applicant/holder of the registration certificate can be a domestic manufacturer or factory, but the registration application must be made by its local branch in India, or an authorized local agent in India submits the application to BIS until the registration is completed.
3. Product registration code.
Product registration codes should be applied for by the manufacturer or importer, and the registration codes are provided by BIS.
The registration code is associated with the manufacturer, factory address (even if the factory is overseas) and the product.
Each manufacturing unit needs to apply for registration independently, even if the same product is produced by the same factory at different sites.
The local authorized representative of the manufacturer (factory) can apply for registration on behalf of the factory.
4. Test report.
If the product is produced through OEM and has been tested in an overseas laboratory or CB laboratory in accordance with international safety standards or affixed with CE, UL, and FCC marks, it also needs to be retested.
The decree requires the submission of a valid test report (within 90 days) issued by a BIS-accredited laboratory for mandatory registration.
5. Self-declaration label.
The label should be affixed in the format of "'Self-Declaration - Complying with IS** Standard Requirements' Registration Number**". The standard number should be followed by the year of standard release separated by ":".
For example, “Self-Declaration – Coning to IS 13252:2010” Registration No. **.** (“Self-Declaration – Coning to IS 13252:2010” Registration No. **.**).
Self-declaration should be prioritized on products. Since size limits cannot be marked on the product, the statement can also be marked on the packaging.
There is no specific location where the statement should be affixed. Statements should be indelible and clearly identified/displayed on the product in accordance with relevant product safety requirements
6. Testing laboratory.
Manufacturers' own laboratories cannot apply to become BIS accredited laboratories.
Currently, only 7 local laboratories in India are accredited by BIS, and BIS stipulates the testing fees for various products.
7. Quality assurance mechanism.
The statute does not require testing of every batch of product.
Only if the relevant product standards require this, each shipment needs to be tested.
Ensuring that products continue to comply with relevant standards is a requirement of the company's quality assurance mechanism and therefore falls under the manufacturer's responsibility.
8. Product sampling and testing
If products come in different sizes, categories or varieties, testing can be done on a series basis.
The registration process is:
â‘ Samples from registered manufacturers will be drawn from manufacturers or markets by the regulatory authorities;
â‘¡During the registration period, samples of products or series of products should be sampled at least once every two years;
â‘¢ Within the scope of registration, at least one sample of each series of products must be taken for testing;
â‘£ For products sampled from the manufacturer, in addition to the samples for testing, a sample should also be taken from the batch in case of disputes.
9. Validity period of registration.
There are no requirements for repeated registration for the same product, and registration is valid for two years once approved.
After the validity period, the registered entity will need to re-submit samples for testing and re-register. When an IS standard based on which a product is tested is withdrawn, the registration based on that standard is cancelled.
Manufacturers should stop supplying old products some time in advance, conduct registration based on new standards, and replace labels on equipment.
10. Model classification.
BIS has formulated model classification guidelines for specific series of each type of product. Only models of the same series that meet the conditions can be placed in one registration certificate.
At the same time, the decree stipulates that each certificate cannot exceed a maximum of 10 models, and those exceeding 10 still need to be issued separate certificates.
When a product undergoes BIS certification, it is necessary to find a professional certification agency to help with the process. Shenzhen Xintong Testing is an agency that specializes in helping companies obtain BIS certification. Ten years of rich certification experience and qualifications ensure that the certification can be successfully completed.